DS Graduate Fellows

2020-2021 at Bryn Mawr College

Syllabus View on GitHub

02. Computational Thinking

October 19, 2020

Two humans operating a computer the size of a room


  1. Business & Updates
  2. Workflow for adding updates & notes
  3. Command line tutorial
  4. For next time

Meeting notes

Note-taker: Kristen

Note-taking responsibilities will rotate, in first-name alphabetical order (Thu next session, then Zach, then Alice)

how computers work videos

The Command Line


Updates workflow

How to add your individual updates:

How to publish meeting notes:

  1. Navigate to the GitHub page and make sure you switch to the master branch.

  2. Download the markdown file for today’s session.

  3. Use Markdown syntax to add your own notes. Save the document.

  4. Return to GitHub and add the file in the same place while you’re on your personal branch

  5. Navigate to Pull requests and click new pull request

  6. Select master as your base branch and your personal branch as your compare branch

  7. Select Create pull request and write a brief summary of the changes (i.e. ‘notes from 10/19 session’)


Code.org videos

Command line


For next time

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Image: ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, By Unknown author - U.S. Army Photo, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=55124