04. Web Design & Development
Meeting notes
Note-taker: Zach
- Talked about DS vids Zach sent; And Anaconda. Alice does not run python through Atom. Tutorials can be very specific but might include elements unessential for your task.
- Anaconda allows you to run multiple versions of Python at the same time.
- Virtual python environments
- A., K., Z. will meet at 2pm on Friday. Invite sent.
- Thu looked up database for papyri and epigraphy (not nec. philology)
- GitHub: see how it looks before you create pull request
- Be sure to save these markdown files as a .md
- “What is the internet?”
- Seems less complicated than we thought. Satellite vs. wire based infrastructure.
- Conversation about data security - not prioritized enough.
- K. noted relationship between speed of distribution of info enabled by internet with demands of capitalism. Culture shift in time demands.
- A. noted: Environmental issue - people thought it would be great for the environment (smaller carbon footprint). Environmental toll of servers and traffic. Data gets bigger and more complicated. Human rights imprint of tech.
- “Digital divide” and economics due to Covid.
- solar.lowtechmagazine.com - “static website” - flat set of html and css files rather than being based on a database that structures the data.
Web Development
- html - building block of internet. Every webpage generates html.
- “The stack” = full stack programmer can do back end and front end web development (how things are structure (html) and displayed (css)).
JavaScript gives interactivity through rewriting html and css (which we will not do).
- 1) HTML = Hypertext markup language.
- Hypertext - text linked in various ways so you can move through it.
- Early on there were hypertext novels and it did not change the world like was predicted. Hard to run now.
2) Markup - ways of encoding language - markdown “light structure”; html “heavy structure”
- 3) Basic structure - opening tag - text - closing text. <p> Hey there! <p>
- head element is just intepreting the metadata of the site.
- open with <html>
- attributes - signal things like language lang=”en”, direction of text reading “ltr”
- <!DOCTYPE html> - tells the doc it is an html documentation
- indentation important for looking at things, keeping organized, but not crucial
- charset=”utf-8” - signals what type of text encoding to use.
- what will appear in the tab. Label for the page. -
close with <html>
- 4 )HTML trees & Nesting.
- Root element - html, then most of body will be embedded as an element under the root.
- use mozilla developer docs for front end development; also the w3 schools shows detailed html code
somewhat meaningless but is good for dividing elements on a page.
- unordered list. Lists items marked as
to view page html and css - inspect element or go to view/developer in your browser.
- 5) CSS - “Cascading Style Sheets” and specificity
- cascading - later rules override earlier rules (more specific overrides less specific)
- selector h1 then curly brace {}
- can apply styles to various elements of html such as elements or the entire <li>. These are hierarchical - more specific overrides less specific.
Inheritence - properties not specified will take on the attributes of another element, also hierarchically arranged (parent-child, not nearest neighbor)
- 6) CSS box model - width < height < padding < border < margin
Common properties: TEXT - font-size, font-family, color, line-height, letter spacing; OTHER ELEMENTS - styles such as color and the box model.
7) CSS lives: inside the html head, inline html, or separate space (most common) best to. have in a separate document
- Lit Ipsum for generic text
- Alt-text for image accessibility
unsplash for creative commons pictures
- Wireframing - draw out your site style before writing it in html/css
Revist CSS Diner for classes and id’s (so different things can have different styles.)
- https://html5up.net/
- https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/defaulT.asp
- https://tinyurl.com/web-int
- Use command line to navigate to the folder where you’re keeping your dssf files
- Create a new directory (folder) for your new site
mkdir my-site
- Create a document in the directory and name it ‘index.html’
touch my-site/index.html
- Create a css document in the same place
touch my-site/style.css
- Open the project in Atom
atom my-site/index.html
- if that doesn’t work, open Atom –> File –> Add Project Folder - In Atom, type html and hit tab: voila! You have a web page!
- Add some elements and text. Save it, and open index.html with a web browser. You should see your website.
- Link your CSS: in the ‘head’ section of index.html, type this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
- Open style.css and write some css to style elements from your index.html file. Save it, open your browser, and refresh it to see your styled page.
- Learning HTML
- Self-paced interactive HTML Tutorial from w3schools.com
- LinkedIn Learning: HTML Essential Training (2h 45m)
- Learning CSS
- CSS Diner
- Self-paced interactive CSS tutorial from w3schools.com
- LinkedIn Learning: CSS Essential Training (4h 28m)
- Templates and models
- https://html5up.net/
- http://www.csszengarden.com/
- Examples of professional academic websites
For next time
- Add your updates by Monday morning
- Create a wireframe for your professional website
- Review the slides on web design
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