DS Graduate Fellows

2020-2021 at Bryn Mawr College

Syllabus View on GitHub

04. Web Design & Development


  1. Business & Updates
  2. Web development
  3. For next time

Meeting notes

Note-taker: Zach


Web Development


  1. Use command line to navigate to the folder where you’re keeping your dssf files cd
  2. Create a new directory (folder) for your new site mkdir my-site
  3. Create a document in the directory and name it ‘index.html’ touch my-site/index.html
  4. Create a css document in the same place touch my-site/style.css
  5. Open the project in Atom Try atom my-site/index.html - if that doesn’t work, open Atom –> File –> Add Project Folder
  6. In Atom, type html and hit tab: voila! You have a web page!
  7. Add some elements and text. Save it, and open index.html with a web browser. You should see your website.
  8. Link your CSS: in the ‘head’ section of index.html, type this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
  1. Open style.css and write some css to style elements from your index.html file. Save it, open your browser, and refresh it to see your styled page.


For next time

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